Student nurse Laura was told she would never walk or talk again

Article supplied by RFDS.

On a ‘random Thursday night’ in January 2023, student nurse Laura McKenney’s life changed in an instant. As a passenger is a car that crashed near the WA town of Pingrup, Laura was thrown and then crushed by the same vehicle, as it rolled back over her. Laura was not wearing a seat belt. Earlier this year, Laura and her family visited the RFDS base at Jandokot and met the WA RFDS retrieval nurse, Lisa, who assisted Laura that night.  Nearly two years on from her accident, Laura and her older sister Emily are ready to share their family’s remarkable journey and Laura’s inspirational recovery from a severe head injury and resulting stroke. In episode #110 of the Flying Doctor podcast – with their Champion Ocean to Outback Fundraiser hats firmly in place – these WA ‘Laura’s Army’ legends are also keen to thank all the first responders and RFDS front-line staff who helped to save Laura’s life that fateful night.

Hours after her accident, Laura's family were told she may never wake up. Let alone walk or talk again.

Laura’s memories from the night of her accident remain (unsurprisingly) hazy. But she does remember that there was speed and alcohol involved. Luckily, the driver and the other passenger in the car that night walked away with only minor injuries. But after she suffered an accident-induced stroke enroute to hospital, Laura’s parents and family members – including her older sister Emily – arrived at the hospital to the news that nobody ever wants to hear. Doctors warned the family that Laura may not survive. If she did, it was unlikely she’d ever regain consciousness. If she woke up, there was very little chance she would ever walk or talk again. The 21-year-old underwent an emergency Craniotomy to relieve the pressure on her brain. But it was many more weeks until her family would start to see ‘the real Laura’ come back to them again. For Laura’s loved ones, those next few weeks in hospital – waiting for her to show any signs of comprehension or recovery – were excruciating.

Laura was a happy-go-lucky student nurse before a car crash changed her life forever.

This October, Laura and Emily and their incredible ‘Laura’s Army’ team of supporters, will once again take on the RFDS fundraising Oceans to Outback Challenge. Last year, they not only managed to raise over $21,000 for the RFDS, but incredibly, Laura herself clocked up over 30km of walking as part of the group’s marathon efforts. Not bad for a girl who was told she’d be lucky to ever walk again! But you only have to talk to Emily or any of Laura’s family members to know just what a fighter this young woman is. Every day, Laura’s hard work and determination comes shining through. And every day, this extraordinary young woman is getting stronger, faster and more focused. Laura may have her own, real-life army. But every day, she’s also conquering her own battles with courage and grace – by taking one determined step at a time.

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